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Keira Knightley and Rosie Huntington Whiteley looked at the Smartest Man In the World.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  I'm an expert in attacking people with knives.  I'm also an expert in archery.
ROSIE:  I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
KEIRA:  He thought he was talking to us.  He actually was talking to himself.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  Allow me to demonstrate.
The Smartest Man in the World accidently stabbed himself in the leg with his own knife.  While trying to load his arrow into his recurve bow, he accidently stabbed himself in his other leg with the arrow by accident.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  I'm a Teacher in a School.  President Donald Trump says that I can bring my gun into my classroom to defend high school students from deranged mass murdering high school students.
KEIRA:  Oh my GODDESS, are you still talking to us?  Make it stop!
ROSIE:  Clearly my restraining order against this shmuck failed.
The Smartest Man in the World pulled out his  OTs-12 Tiss Assault Rifle before realizing that the assault rifle was jammed.  He pointed the OTs-12 Tiss directly at himself while trying to get the assault rifle unjammed before he accidently shot three minutes worth of assault rifle bullets into his stomach.  The Smartest Man in the World fell down in a splatter of blood and guts.
KEIRA:  I guess he won't bother us anymore.
ROSIE:  I guess we should call an ambulance.
KEIRA:  Forget about calling an ambulance.  Let's grab lunch at McDonalds Restaurant instead.
Keira Knightley and Rosie Huntington Whiteley walked down the sidewalk away from the Smartest Man in the World as he lay on the ground bleeding to death.
And as I'm lost in thought while remembering that Spring is coming, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Keira Knightley

 Rosie Huntington Whiteley

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