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Good day to all you lovely polish obsessed people, how are you all ? i'm tired , so very tired, but i really want to show you this mani, as you probably all know illamasqua had a summer sale on with their nail polishes reduced from £13.50 to only £5.00 !!!! and whilst looking at the colours my heart kind of skipped a beat when i saw they had raindrops!!! they also had hectic but it was out of stock in a couple of days, anyway long story short i ordered insanity and raindrops! 

the colours ran in the umbrella : ( 

i find that this mani is totally appropriate looking at the sky! i just want to say to all those who could be affected by hurricane irene, stay safe : ) 

however these few seem a tad contradictory as they're taken in sunlight looll

this is a close up isn't it gorgeous, the name of this polish is completely fitting don't you agree?

this is my first illamasqua and i must say i was pleased, however the brush on this seemed to be a bit funny, it didn't spread out properly on the nail, it had a gap in the middle ! and the other thing, 4 coats!! i could have done 5 but nooo, too many, next time i think i'll layer it over a grey 
another thing i want to mention is that this had incredible staying power, you may have noticed the one tiny chip on my index finger but i think that's quite impressive considering this nail polish underwent a grueling testing process today loll, what, i hear you ask, well today we were chiseling off all the kitchen floor tiles and my job was to collect them all and chuck em away, not very nail polish friendly but all i suffered was one tiny chip ! i'm very pleasedd :  )

ok i hope you enjoyed this post, oh and tomorrow is my very first driving lesson, so stay off the roads ladies lolll

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